Finca Los Remedios

"you are drinking a coffee that was produced on well-treated farms, worked and processed as naturally as possible, you are drinking a coffee of excellent quality".
-José Cienfuegos, Producer

José Cienfuegos invited us to taste his coffee directly in one of his sons' restaurants. It is a restaurant chain in Xalapa, the capital of Veracruz where people feel the pride of the coffee of their region.
Located in the state of Veracruz, "Los Remedios" Farm has been producing coffee since 1951. In 1967 José Cienfuegos took over the management, the farm belonged to his wife's family and together they decided to take charge of it.
In the beginning, conventional coffee was produced and it was only in recent years that José entered the specialty coffee market influenced by his friend and coffee grader Nicolas Martínez.
The implementation of the new techniques and processes in the farm did not present reluctance on the part of the farmers which facilitated the learning process, especially in the cutting.
"Los Remedios" Farm at harvest time receives approximately 70 workers, all from the Ojo de Agua and Pachi Nuevo communities. The relationship that José has established with the farmers is excellent and long-lasting based on good treatment, appreciation of their work and constancy, as demonstrated by the 50 years of work relationship.
The quality of his coffee begins with the harvesting of the ripe cherries and is also attributed to the drying process in a sieve that lasts approximately 3 to 4 days. The farm uses organic fertilizers for the soil where its parts are poorer and its agricultural practices are environmentally friendly.
"Los Remedios" Farm produces microlots, at the moment this is its optimal production; for Jose Cienfuegos is better the quality and not the quantity.

Finca Los Remedios

Farm size: 24 hectares

Processes: Washed

Nacional Clients: Distribution in coffee shops and retail businesses

International Clients: Germany, Taiwan

Awards / Contests:
Cup of Excellence 2019, 9th place (Geisha)
Cup of Excellence 2019, 12th places(Pacamara)





Altitude MASL:


SCA Scoring:



Citric, Floral

Almonds, Orange

*MASL meters above sea level