Finca Muxbal

"Our coffee comes from a magical place"
-Jorge Gallardo, Producer

Coming from the Mayan dialect "Mam" Muxbal is translated as "place surrounded by clouds" and is located in the state of Chiapas bordering Guatemala.
Muxbal Farm is divided in two, the first half is a coffee plantation and the second half is an ecological reserve. The microclimate in the region provides excellent coffee production.
In 1959, Enrique Rodriguez acquired the Farm and began to work the coffee plantation there. To this day, Jorge Gallardo represents the sixth generation of the family, thus preserving the tradition.

One of the characteristics of Muxbal Farm is the certification acquired in 2006 as a socially responsible farm that encompasses the implementation of good practices that are nature friendly and have a positive impact on the community.

Muxbal Farm has projects that support the personal development of the farmers and their families, every year around 200 to 230 farmers arrive for the harvest and they are provided with adequate and dignified facilities, as well as an interesting education program for their sons and daughters, who come along with them during this time.

All the processes in the production of specialty coffee are important to Jorge Gallardo, however, the farmer is the most important actor along his production chain.

Finca Muxbal

Farm size: 236 hectares

Processes: Washed, Natural, Honey

National Clients: Distribution in coffee shops and retail businesses

Internationals Clients: Europe, Italy, Germany, UK, US, China, Korea




Caturra, Mondo

Novo, Catuai

Altitude MASL:


SCA Scoring:



Flowers, Honey

Green Apples


Pacamara, Washed


Caturra, Mondo

Novo, Catuai

Altitude MASL:


SCA Scoring:



Green Apple, Lemon

Dark Chocolate, Apricot

*MASL meters above sea level