Finca Ocoteno

Productor de café
"Our coffee is grown by a family that is aware of the whole process, people who are trained despite being small. We produce it under an environmentally and socially responsible scheme. We respect for the environment"
-Miguel Ronquillo, Producer

"Ocoteno" Farm is located in Puebla and is a family farm. Miguel Ronquillo manages this third generation and has focused on producing specialty coffee. He began in 2015 with the renovation of the orchard and since then, he has focused on improving the processes to obtain a quality product.

Miguel and his family are responsible for monitoring the entire process, to which he attributes that his product meets the necessary standards.
At "Ocoteno" Farm the shadow-drying process is his personal signature, as they look for non-drastic changes to their seed even if this means that the processes take longer.
"Ocoteno" Farm´s commitment to its community is part of Miguel's vision. The farmers who are part of his team are paid above average in order to encourage their performance.
Miguel promotes a fraternal environment, dignified treatment, loyalty and dedication. One of his greatest wishes is to avoid family disintegration due to migration to other states. This last aspect has been very important for Miguel. Providing hope and certainty to local farmers through coffee production is his motivation.
"Ocoteno" Farm plans to continue with the trainings that will allow them to produce coffee under an environmentally and socially responsible scheme. In addition to promoting coffee production as an economic activity that can be the support of a family and give peace of mind, preserving the heritage and family tradition.

Finca Ocoteno

Farm Size: 8 hectares

Processes: Washed,Natural

National Clients: Distribution in coffee shops and retail businesses

International Clients: Australia , US and Germany

Awards in the Cup of Excellence:
2019 national finalists






Altitude MASL:


SCA Scoring:



Sugar Cane

Almonds, Chocolate






Altitude MASL:


SCA Scoring:



Citric, Guayaba

Butter, Almonds

*MASL meters above sea level